The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Instead of getting a cat, why don't we all just stop flushing?" - Red Foreman, "That 70's Show"

Archive for the 'Big 7 Bands' Category

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Imagine…Two Yankees in New York

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

gh5Considering our late night the night before, Bob and I managed to get up relatively early, get ready and head out for our second day in New York City, on the morning of Tuesday, May 28, 2013. Readers of this blog will already have some idea of the types of things that were on our radars for the day. Needless to say there are lots and lots of things to do in New York City, but most of the things I was focusing on during this first visit had to do with either the entertainment industry or Presidential/historical sites. And a little bit of sports I suppose. It was just a bit after 8am as we began our day, heading from our hotel on 46th street toward the subway stop on 42nd street, Bob opting to stop at McDonalds for a quick breakfast on the way. Read the rest of this entry »

Space Ace

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

acey1The rock band KISS, more than anything, defined several periods of my life, beginning as far back as first grade, at which time they were busy taking the world by storm. My fellow schoolmates and I lived, breathed, and ate KISS – collecting records, trading cards, t-shirts, and any other toy that could be marketed. I actually enjoyed the music too. This of course is why no matter who they put behind the make-up these days, KISS will always be Gene, Paul, Ace, and Peter. I accept no substitutes. I have already covered my two-plus encounters with drummer Peter Criss, and now I will finally bring to light two encounters with guitarist Ace Frehley. Read the rest of this entry »

Wings Over Burbank

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Sometimes I might complain about cancellations, over-inflated prices, or celebrities whom I’ve never heard of at the Hollywood Show. But I will admit that there are times when these celebrity shows offer unique experiences unlike any other. The case in point here happened at the August 4, 2012, show – at which three members of Paul McCartney’s Wings congregated under one roof to meet some of their fans. Okay, okay, so it’s not like meeting Paul himself, but still… they were there…in a band… with Paul freakin’ McCartney. Each of the three were credited on albums that came out from Wings… featuring Paul McCartney. Paul was a Beatle, you know. Read the rest of this entry »

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