The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes, Claude?" -Aunt Edna, "National Lampoon's Vacation"

lei11.jpgInside an old Airequipt slide magazine sits a batch of slides situated between the Michigan 1972 trip and my first birthday, labelled only as Leisure At Home. A few of these photos are familiar to me as there were eventually prints made of them which ended up in our family photo albums. Others remained just as they were, little treasures nestled comfortably in their home, waiting to be discovered…and shared here on the Terrible Catsafterme. And so…


Through the magic of trick photography, my parents see what would happen if I were twins


 Exercising my newfound ability to walk around the house


Up close with Baby Blue


 Shooting some hoops in the kitchen with the typical American 70’s Mom. I still have that Bear Creek plate hanging over the refrigerator


 Mom always said “here, play ball in the house”…I wonder why I got in trouble later


 And you just shut up about my Mom being hot…


 Capturing the final days of Summer ’72


 Me and Mom, who is wearing…the tablecloth maybe?


The enigma here is why Dad isn’t looking at the camera, which was obviously set on a timer to snap this picture

1972 will continue as I turn one

3 Responses to “Leisure At Home”

  1. You were always the custest little guy EVER! I loved coming over and playing with you, or babysitting you. You were the most fun baby EVER!


  2. Yes, you were an awful cute little guy!! What do you expect from such a “hot” mom?


  3. Barb, I would expect a hot daughter…and I would not be disappointed!


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